Together we use the natural abilities of your own mind for a better life… it’s easier than you think

How Can Hypnosis Help?

While I’m a strong advocate for talk therapy and counselling, in my experience the best way to bring about lasting change comes from taking what I know consciously and using hypnosis to transfer that information into my subconscious mind.

Often we think that ‘if we know better we do better’.

For example:

I might KNOW that birds are generally not interested in humans and relatively safe to walk past on the street. BUT, if I had a dramatic and scary experience with birds when I was a young child then I may grow up with an emotional aversion to birds that develops into an active fear of birds.

Now, I STILL KNOW, logically, that birds aren’t little minions of the underworld ready to attack at any moment. But part of my mind is still terrified, illogically believing it could be true.

So, if we KNOW better… why don’t we act like it? If we want to DO better we do need to consciously know better, but we also need to subconsciously BELIEVE better. And this is where the interesting phenomenon of hypnosis comes into play.

I use hypnosis to access the deeper part of my client’s mind and together we update their subconscious mind to believe what the conscious mind already knows so my clients can do the things they really want to do.

I have helped people to get better sleep, to improve their confidence and self-esteem and therefore improve their relationships, their work life, and helped them take big steps forward in their business. I have helped people with their traumatic life experiences, I’ve helped them introduce healthier habits, and I’ve helped people accept who they are and love themselves. I’ve helped people with their relationship with money.

In short, I have helped people live their lives the way they want to live them.

Check out my video below to find out more about how hypnosis can help or check out upcoming dates for my free introductory workshop where you will learn more about the battle within our minds and how we can win!

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Get in touch for a consultation

Let’s get to know each other, we will talk about what is going on for you, we’ll explore what you would like instead and we’ll talk about how I could help you using hypnosis.

This is a low-cost, no-pressure conversation.