are we a fit?
you feel stuck, and you haven’t been able to get unstuck (yet)
maybe you:
know the kind of person you want to be but you find you’re repeating the “same old same old” that you are trying to leave behind, thinking to yourself “Why can’t I do better when I know better?”
have a career plan, a plan to not let your family frustrate you so much, a plan to not let the past get in your way like it used to; but you keep veering off the path, not following through on what you want to do
are trying to move forward in life (big business dreams, solid relationships) but you feel like you are holding yourself back
sometimes feel like the whole world is against you!.... but you know that, actually, it is YOU against you, you are the Master of Self Sabotage…
are seeing a therapist, or a naturopath, or a coach; you have made good progress, but it feels like there is something that is holding you back from actually BECOMING the person you want to be
feel frustrated, wondering “why don’t I have any self-control!?”
identify too strongly for your own liking with those Taylor Swift lyrics “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me”
I know how hard it is to be in this constant battle with yourself, I know. But, I also happen to know how your relationship with yourself could be different, and you probably do too!
instead of this inner struggle, you want to:
get unstuck and finally feel in control of yourself again (like my client who was able to cut her smoking in half within a few sessions)
have and maintain stronger boundaries, greater self-respect and self-esteem
be free and at peace (like my client who was able to finally sleep through the night for the first time in 40 years)(...or my client who was able to have a conversation with her brother without letting his passive-aggressive comments make her feel bad)
feel aligned with who you are, living your life the way you want (finally moving forward with your career; feeling more relaxed in social settings; less obviously irritated at your kid’s tantrums)
be able to trust yourself again
finally make your visions and dreams a reality (like my client who no longer is so affected by a certain family member, she just lets those careless remarks slide off her now)
understand that our current behaviours are often rooted in our emotions and past experiences
know that how we think affects how we behave
recognize that bettering ourselves is a lifelong journey (Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are your good habits!)
like to laugh
are serious about their progress but don’t take themselves too seriously
love the smell of a health food or natural food store and love the stuff inside
try to find their little ways to contribute in supporting their community and the planet
not only think outside the box but try to live outside the box in some fashion
have tried to make their own body butter or raw sauerkraut or stock
Enjoy stories: reading, telling, acting, writing…
I am especially fond of working with people who:
Note: this work might not be a fit for people who:
Can’t describe what they do want (and will only focus on their challenges)
Aren’t willing to go into their history to address their issue
Are here ONLY because their partner, spouse, parent, child or friend said they HAD to change
Are experiencing psychosis or acute suicidal ideation
Think hypnosis means I just say the magic words and all follow through on their end is effortless.
If you think that this is aligning nicely and you want to find out more you can
learn more by attending a free Intro Workshop or book a 1:1 consultation